Risk Factors

The primary risk factor for skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, including sunlight and tanning beds, with the risk growing with the amount of exposure. The desert sun is especially harsh which puts us at a greater risk. The following factors increase your skin cancer risk: Skin type: Understanding your skin type is […]
How do I protect myself?

Spending time outside is a great way to stay physically active and get vitamin D. You can work and play outside without raising your skin cancer risk by protecting your skin from the sun. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays come from the sun, tanning beds […]
Check the Skin You’re In

Skin cancers are highly curable when caught and treated early. The Arizona Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that you check your skin at least once a month, noting any changes. Being familiar with your skin helps to make you more aware of any changes that may occur.
See a Dermatologist.

In order to be proactive in the prevention of skin cancers, the Arizona Skin Cancer Foundation recommends seeing a dermatologist at least every year for a professional skin exam. If you notice anything new, changing or unusual, schedule an appointment to get checked right away.